Friday, June 3, 2016

RV Living Starts

Welcome to the start of RV living with Erin Blaskowski! We've moved 35 yards from our house.

We have just finished school, me and my brother, Ethan.

Ethan finished 5th grade, and I finished 4th Grade. I'm 10 years old.

Here are some things I like about the RV so far:
1. I sleep on the couch, which is actually a pull-out bed
2. There's a lot of storage under my parents' bed
3. We found a way to set up the Wii and the GameCube
4.We have some fans and a big window in the front of the RV
5. We don't have to get up at 6:15 a.m. for school

Here are some things I dislike about the RV:
1. I will miss my friends =(
2. My poor dad is working nonstop, dealing with the many issues of the RV, such as 5 springs popping off my couch-bed
3. Ethan wakes up earlier than me and wakes me up because he's right next to me
4. It's a very tight space
5. I have to get rid of a lot of toys

That's pretty much the end of this summary, so stay tuned for the next exciting RV/Sailing Adventure!

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