Thursday, July 14, 2016

Visiting Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Little Big Horn With Erin

Medora was founded in 1883 by the Marquis de Mores. He named the town after his wife, Medora. We happened to go to the Theadore National Park in Medora, where we saw a lot of prairie dogs. We also saw some wild horses, the Little Missouri River, and bison. We climbed and hiked some big hills, and waded in mud in the river.

We also went to a campground near Custer's Last Stand where we learned about the Battle of Little Bighorn.  My favorite part was learning about the Indian Tribes, the Dakota, the Nakota, and the Lakota. We went and stood on Last Stand Hill. The battles started when the American Government heard there was gold in the Sioux land, the Black Hills. When they tried to take it away, the Sioux said "No, this is our holy, sacred land where our ancestors our buried. You don't get this land!" We had signed a treaty before saying the Indians could have that land. So they went in on full charge to Sitting Bull's camp. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were the two major leaders of the Indians.

The U.S. Government had soon realized they were outnumbered, so Reno tried to retreat. But it was too late. About 280 of our troops died and 70-100 Indians.  The battle should never have happened, for they signed a treaty saying Indians could have that land. Then we tried to take it back! It's like, what the heck! They did it for greed, and for gold.

That's the end of this blog so stay tuned for more blogging with Erin!

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